To be noticed (tagged) by The Errant Aesthete is an unbelievable honour. It has become my daily read and is a source of infinite inspiration....
In such a short time (my blogging life is barely 3 months) The Errant Aesthete has become very close to my heart and despite its mysterious author.... she seems strangely familiar
To attempt writing this post after she produced such a wonderful piece, has proven to be an extremely hard act to follow....
How tagging works.....when you are tagged by a fellow blogger you must write ten things about yourself and then to continue the tradition you must tag seven blogs.
So here it goes....
I've always thought that my life and existence have danced between the ordinary and extraordinary.
At an early age my parents were called into school because my teacher considered my imagination to be a worrying matter.
When stories and facts were compared.... the apparent exaggerated imagination was simply a glimpse of my reality.....
1. By the age of thirteen I had been to thirteen schools and lived in thirteen countries.
2. My nomadic upbringing always made me feel like a 'unique' outsider. I never felt I belonged anywhere until I moved to Ireland 9 years ago
3. You are most likely to find me at the beach in Winter.
4. At a Royal Palace, the 'Host' kindly gave me (under the table) her portion of chocolate truffles and whispered a secret about another Queen.
5. 2008 was an 'annus horribilis'. I'm still physically and mentally on my way to recovery.
6. Of all the countries that I have lived in, Japan has had the strongest influence in my life
7. In the late 80's I danced all night with Prince...I never new why I was his dance partner of choice... but I suspect it was because I made him look towering tall ...
8.When I grow up... I want to be a photographer.
9. I have never let fear hold me back....I would rather try and fail, than not try at all...
10. My biggest complex is, and always has been, communication...this blog was meant to be a 'silent' photographic journal....I'm slowly confronting my biggest fear.......writing in English...
So now you are tagged
1. www.advancedstyle.blogspot.com
2. www.ageofuncertainty.blogspot.com
3. www.moroccanmaryam.typepad.com/my_marrakesh/
4. www.mrstrefusis.blogspot.com
5. www.pistaclandestina.blogspot.com
6. www.prettyfarwest.blogspot.com
7. www.seenandsaid.blogspot.com
8. www.theadventuresofagirlandhermoney.blogspot.com